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Download here . | / | |/ | Released on 2o17/o1/o8 | +--+---+ . | . | : ___ | . : __| : / | : . \___.'/ . ...... ___ | : . : \_ | : : :..: | : Release Info :: | :__ | . _:_ __/ _ | : | / | -PLEASE USE PABLODRAW TO WATCH THE ASCIIS OF THIS PACK- . | / | |/ | | | a long time ago, in a | | galaxy far, far away | | it is a period of the uncertain | | political drama queens | | dirty media wars | | everyone wants to be followed | | everyone is a producer | | everyone wants to matter | | will we disappear? | | become of no value? | | will | | . . . . . . | | .____:. : .__:___. . .__:___.. .___:, :___. | | | :|--:---: : |--:---; : |:----: :|---::::| | | |-----| ._. | |___|____ | ._. |:____| _|__ | ::| | | |::: | | |___. | | | | :::| ___/ ` :| | | |:: | | :| : | ::| | | ::| ;:| :__ __| | | |: | | .:| : | :: | | :| ;;| ::| | | | |:____:__|.::|__:___:__:. |--:__:| :|____::| : | | : . |:::| : : :__| :`----:' /__:_____: | | . ````: : . : . : : . | | . , . . . | | reign our world? | | | | but see... | | in the distance... | | a new star is rising | | | | a new hope! | | | | it's | | | | t i t a n | | | | presenting a rare commodity | | from an era thought lost | | | | a delicious selection of fine arts | | finally released after about 12 years | | the titan artpackage number three | | | | | | | +--+---+ . | . | : ___ | . : __| : / | : . \___.'/ . ....... ___ | : . :: \_ | : : :..:: | : Personal words :: | :__ | . _:_ __/ _ | : | / | . | / | Titan artpack 3, here we go. |/ | 12 years in the making. We first decided that it should | | have an interface around it. Like, multiplatforms stuff. | | Plenty of Titan members started something in the past, | | Nothing we really pushed to its end. And now, after | | a globe travel, we're getting back with the not so | | famous anymore titan art package #3. Without interface. | | We're done with it. This would have been too much work | | to get this release entirely done as it should have been. | | And finally, the artscene way, we give it out. | | This has been a real awesome experience, all along. | | We even gathered the pieces we've released at parties. | | Too much memories. Too much travels. Too much hip-hop. | | We even went the graffiti way, too. Some pieces of us, | | painted on random walls in the world are present in this | | pack as well. | | Titan is soon to be 13 years old. | | Infinity minus 13 years left to keep making what we love. | | I love you. | | iks of Titan. | | ----------------- | | | | Dang it's 2017 already :D! I dug up some old and unreleased | | bits and pieces from my HD to add to this artpack, hope you | | like it :D | | Love and kisses, alk. | | | | ----------------- | | | | Hello friends and scene members, | | finally it's time for our group to release our third | | artpack. As someone who has grown up in the artscene with | | groups like cRo and SAC I'm very proud to see something | | like that happen again. 15 years ago I was responsible to | | release and code for artpacks and diskmags in cRo. We were | | working on cracktros, keygens, chiptunes, graphics used in | | releases and, of course, ascii and ansi. | | Unfortunately this part of the scene is mostly dead and to | | me it always emitted a special feeling which is not the | | same as in the demoscene. While both scenes are a lot | | about glory and prestige, the artscene always felt more | | important, especially to the outer world with the normal | | computer users, with a rather less technical nature, and | | you always had to hide in the dark quite a bit because we | | worked hard for groups who made games, software and media | | public and free. | | But the artscene is not only about making art for the | | "illegality", but also for everyone who is creative, | | making graphics, painting graffiti, composing music and | | placing char by char to finally finish an ascii. | | (I always admired pixel artists and ascii painters for | | their patience.) | | Thanks to everyone who took part in this artpack. Finally | | it's done, we always wanted to make a full-featured | | release of it, with viewer, background music and | | everything else, but we decided to wander the oldschool | | way and selected the best stuff from the last 10 years of | | Titan. | | We hope you enjoy a lot of fine arts. | | Happy new year. | | neoman | | ----------------- | | | | 12 years have gone by.. 12 years.. The world is on fire. | | Everybody is fighting. We're all going to hell. We only | | care for ourself, and our likes on facebook. We talk, but | | dont say anything... we hear, but dont listen.. We pretend | | we care, but we dont. We dont even care for ourselves | | anymore. We are ruining ourselves and our species, our | | existence is in danger. So today is a pretty good day to | | release artpack 3000! | | Hope u guys enjoy it! | | Alien^PDX. | | ----------------- | | | | Hello girls and boys. | | Feel warmly welcomed to this long awaited TITAN Art Pack. | | I wish to thank the following dudes for making it happen: | | - Irokos (merci mec, sans toi cela n'aurait été pas | | possible=) | | - NeoMan (vielen danke für alles, Neo....) | | - All Titan past and present members. Thank you for your | | time, dedication. | | - DonAdan, Sachy, Mccnex, Asman, Liv, Mch (dzieki za | | Wanted Team experience) | | - Lamers, Resistance, TheLoop dudes! | | - all the closest souls I forgot here at this moment... | | I am sorry. | | And last but by all means not least my family and friends. | | Those who helped me and who were and are part of my life. | | I wish you, dear reader ALL THE BEST. Be happy and PLEASE, | | spread the happiness, respect and love around you. | | Yours truly | | Sim1. | | ----------------- | | | | We freak the funk! | | phunck. | | ----------------- | | | | Yo! Enjoy this artpack which I had no participation in | | whatsoever :P ! | | The funny thing about AP3 is that it was already vaporware | | when I joined 4 years ago. | | Nice to see people rid themselves off old burdens. | | Cya in the next prod ;) | | oerg866. | | ----------------- | | | | Hello Demoscene! Please continue to be awesome in 2017 | | and keep those amazing releases coming! Cheers! | | SunSpire. | | ----------------- | | | | Fuck fascism. Fuck rascism. Fuck elitism. We are family. | | arvenius. | | ----------------- | | | | I can't believe this is finally happening! Art pack #3, | | fuck yeah! Looking back at the past decade I surely had a | | lot of fun with this gals and guys, at demo parties, at | | brbtitan 1 & 2 and on IRC. brbcig forever! | | moqui. | | ----------------- | | | | Greetings dear TiTAN fans. Wow ARTPACK 3. y0 wtf?! | | Enjoy some fine Amiga Ascii Art by zNr/dS!+TiTAN and never | | forget. | | I've added a few productions from the past year or so, | | maybe you have seen some of them in traffic | | others are still waiting to be spotted. | | Today you get a chance to view them all in this wonderful | | ARTPACK 3. | | Cheers to another decade full of ascii, ansi, pixel, | | graffiti, music, and mad coding skills. | | one luv - stay free, zANEr! - See you around <3 | | zANer. | | ----------------- | | | | OK, Zalza - The Titan art pack #3 is freakin' amazing and | | utterly massive - it's simply a gift to the mankind. Titan | | rules the scene as always - (smiles!) - I'm so proud | | to be a part of and to have had the chance to contribute | | with music to this awesome group and bunch of talented | | people. | | zalza. | | | | | +--+---+ . | . | : ___ | . : __| : / | : . \___.'/ . |..... ___ | | . : \_ | : | :..: | : Group News :: | :__ | . _:_ __/ _ | : | / | . . | / | |/ | We'll surely and certainly be present at Revision 2017 | | for some awesomeness. | | | | | | | +--+---+ . | . | : ___ | . : __| : / | : . \___.'/ . ...... ___ | : . : \_ | : : :..: | : | :__ | . _:_ __/ _ | . : | / | Titan is: . | / | |/ | Alien, Alk, Arvenius, Blasty, Gencha, Jix, Kabuto | | Eviljoker, Sergeon, Pikzel, Svenzzon, Raina, StrObe, | | Cerror, Xylo, Red, iks, Lilibox, LiraNuna, Mdx, | | Medo, Moqui, Mueslee, Neoman, Oerg866, Phunck, Sik, | | Sim1, SunSpire, Zaner, Saxxonpike, Isha, Fizzer, | | Side, Jorge, crazyQ, zalza, scattle, icedragon, | | ik00r, Kettch, Laeila. | | | | Alltime Titans: | | | | aka-l0, las, Thenikon, Blueflame, barium, eleric, | | raziir, unseen fate, reef, zlorfik, kruze, viruz666, | | dbrn, 2late, 2EA3, jallabert, moh, ogge, idiana, | | meat, bull, I8U, Hobbit, Nap, Yogin, psypuls, crcx, | | funkyfish, saberoth, vouck, tristan, vils, deathr0w, | | feraillus, spotter, kryps, gkmotu, dionysos, algar, | | xerxes, lafarge, whoopee, auld, ipe, mindo, paledeth, | | kmuland, saida, crype, stv, moonlord, vigo, shazz, | | mczonk, 71M, pailes, snkorea, dr3amz, dot, rebb, | | kenet, drskull, deathstar, nebulah, brainbox, frank2, | | myr, strager, vigo, rouquemoute, ampli, pest, seffren. | | | | | +--+---+ . | . | : ___ | . : __| : / | : . \___.'/ . ...... ___ | : . : \_ | : : :..: | : Greetings to :: | :__ | . _:_ __/ _ | : | / | Greets to our friends in :: Fairlight, Scoopex, Neural,. | / | Conspiracy, Equinox, Hoodlum, Tristar,Razor1911,Deviance, |/ | Ultralame, UltralameLovers, Rebels, Slengpung, Pouet.net, | | Scienide, TRSI, Skim, Umlaut Design, Mattcurrent,Plastic, | | AWD, Rituel, VRL, ACiD, Paradox, Zombie Boys, Shice, CPH, | | Pain, Farbrausch, Deviance, Orion, Osmium,OoK,BRONX,Galm, | | Tristar, Reloaded, Cocoon, Danish Gold, TPOLM, Class,SAC, | | Totalkaos.de, Mups, Vitality, Fanaion, Madwizards, CRO, | | Excess, Melon, Skidrow, River, TDU Jam, Bronx, Marshalls, | | MFX, Neural, Paradise,the deviants,Kewlers,They, Newcoma, | | TRSI , Syn[RJ], Triad, TJC, Noxfire, Brain Control, Myth, | | Team Emergency Exit, Rabenauge, Bitfellas,The Dominators, | | Jumalauta, Umlaut Design, Mandarine,Surprise Productions, | | IRIS, Accession, Defacto2.net, Darklite, Blocktronics, | | Break, Skomp,Poo Brain, DSS,TRBL, Wanted Team,Aeroholics, | | Divine Stylers | | | | | | Deep, deep thank you to the guest artists of this pack: | | 8bitbubsy, bw, caterva, crome, dipswitch, dMG, funkyfish, | | h2O, michu, haggeman, ghidora, jeroen tel, korma, maali, | | maktone, malmen, moks,zeus, mypalgoo, ne7, p01, plur, | | pook, rainoa, ra, rebb, scorpi, scour, sal-one, enzO, | | virgill, vouck, wade, wiibe, zefyros, zemra, musicman, | | suddendeath, mattmathew, radman. | | | | Shitload of love to La grande triple alliance internation | | ale de l'est. | | Massive love to the graffiti scene. MACIA, Bandits, BYE <3 | | Titan and Red Sector, Inc. | | Wiggles to Mysfyt. | | | | | | | | . | | | . | : . | | : | | . `.__| . _|__| | \_ : : ``:: | : | . . : `._| | :: ___ _|_ _:_ . :::.. \_ \.\\\ // /____ : __/ | Contact us :: | :--+-- |____ | | #titandemo EFNET : _/ | : http://titandemo.org . | __|_ . . titanatuntergrunddotnet : \ : `._. revision.evoke.world .: : \. | :_.' | : ___ .: `.____|__ : / . .' _._/ .'/ .: __:_ .': '.:' \_| .'. :....''.:: | .'.::......:::: . : _ __ ____ `.`::::::::::'' . `.__\\_\\ \_ ASCII DONE BY tRASh\aWD `.`: .......'' `. : `'